Mentorship Matters
“After five years of product marketing in a vacuum, I wanted to get out of my box and meet other marketers. I wanted to learn about their challenges and how they overcame them. I joined the American Marketing Association-DC chapter’s six-month mentorship program. I was paired with a 40-something-year-old Association MarCom Director, Veronica Holmes Purvis, CAE.” – Natalie Thomas
A Mentorship Story: Veronica Purvis & Natalie Thomas
by Natalie Thomas
Veronica has a well-measured answer for everything. She is always encouraging but straightforward and honest. We met twice a month for an hour. Veronica is ambitious, but what impressed me most was how her drive is complimented by her kindness, generosity, poise, and confidence. She had high standards for making the best use of our time. Yet, her faith in me helped produce consistent progress. She listened attentively and worked with me to hone my personal career plan. We set goals and revamped my resume, LinkedIn page, and everything else mentors and proteges do. As busy as V was with her personal life and other professional pursuits, I had her absolute full attention for an hour every other week.
At the time of my virtual mentorship with Veronica, we were in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. Social isolation for a fairly gregarious person like myself certainly enhanced my enthusiasm to make the most of the experience. Some of us may have gone our whole lives without getting much of the encouragement we needed to reach for our dreams. You feel incredibly empowered when someone as admirable as Veronica expresses confidence in you. You can soar on the winds of that person’s belief in you.
There are moments in life when you know something incredible is happening. I know that not everyone can have as exhilarating of an experience with their professional coach or mentor as I did. Yet, I highly recommend building a personal board of advisors to help you see your blind spots, provide feedback and resources and build a genuine connection with like-minded professionals.
Veronica reminded me to follow my dreams.

A coffee meet-up at one of DC’s top afternoon tea spots, to commemorate the end of our six-month mentorship together.

A wish you the best card from Veronica.
An unsolicited glowing LinkedIn recommendation.